Very Neighbourly Organisations
Very Neighbourly Organisations (VNOs) are organisations that uphold and promote the principles of Neighbours Every Day.
These important organisations are committed to helping increase respectful relationships across Australia and create and share belonging.
A Very Neighbourly Organisation (VNO) can be a community, business or government organisation which:
- has strong and clearly articulated values that match the principal aims of Neighbours Every Day
- demonstrates compatibility to the Relationships Australia plan for Neighbours Every Day
- believes in the importance of social connection and resilient communities and takes action to make this reality
- has significant networks of community-minded members who are actively involved in local initiatives
- supports the Neighbours Every Day messages and campaign activities to create and share belonging
We’re pleased to have a growing number of Very Neighbourly Organisations who support Neighbours Every Day and its ethos.
Our Very Neighbourly Organisations

Neighbours take time to check in with people who might not be doing so well.
Check out R U OK?’s tips on how to start a conversation with your neighbour.
A stranger’s just a friend you haven’t met, right? The more neighbours you know, the more mates you’ll have to reach out to for fun times (and in tough times). Check out’s tips on starting a convo with someone you don’t know.

Conservation Volunteers Australia
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Volunteering is a great way to meet the neighbours, support healthy communities and have fun. Find out how you can be involved with Conservation Volunteers Australia.

SBS Foundation
SBS Foundation
SBS celebrates diversity and contributes to the social inclusion and cross-cultural understanding of all Australians – linguistically, sociologically and culturally.
A national broadcaster of multicultural and multilingual programming in over 100 languages; SBS has more than 7 million viewers each week in neighbourhoods and communities across Australia.
Read more about SBS here

Welcoming Australia
Welcoming Australia
Welcoming Australia is a non-partisan movement and organisation committed to cultivating a culture of welcome and advancing an Australia where people of all backgrounds have equal opportunity to belong, contribute and thrive.

Sing Australia
Sing Australia
Sing Australia accepts that everyone can sing and it makes no judgement on how well that happens.
It is inclusive and welcoming of everyone, with singing groups meeting weekly across Australia and performing at community events.
Find out more…

Orange Sky Australia
Orange Sky Australia
Orange Sky provides a platform for every day Australians to connect through a regular laundry and shower service. The focus is on creating a safe, positive and supportive environment for people who are too often ignored or who feel disconnected from the community. Their volunteers are not social workers or experts on homelessness – they are empathetic listeners and great conversationalists.

Thread Together
Thread Together
Thread Together delivers new, good quality clothing and shoes to people in our community who are doing it tough. They help restore dignity and hope for men, women and children who are going through a difficult time by providing the opportunity to choose a complete wardrobe of new clothes, at no cost.

Garage Sale Trail
Garage Sale Trail
Garage Sale Trail is a free festival of over 15,000 garage sales, powered by 150 local councils and the people of Australia.
You can declutter, fundraise, meet a few locals, find treasure and have a whole lotta fun! Get involved!

As the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, a key part of NAPCAN’s work involves promoting the message that children are safer and happier in communities that are socially cohesive and where everyone understands the positive role they can play in protecting children.

Neighbourhood Watch Australasia
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia
Neighbourhood Watch Australasia (NHWA) is the overarching organisation of member Neighbourhood Watch programs in Australia and Neighbourhood Support in New Zealand.
NHWA facilitates and supports local community groups in achieving safer, connected and more inclusive neighbourhoods. Enquire today.

Feros Care
Feros Care
Feros Care is all about enabling bold lives; happier, healthier, more connected. Their major initiative, Be Someone For Someone is pivotal to this, especially focussed on tackling the loneliness epidemic by creating opportunities for everyone in the community to build and enjoy meaningful, lasting connections.

Neighbourhood Connect
Neighbourhood Connect
Neighbourhood Connect is a national community organisation and charity which helps people across Australia create neighbourhood groups to encourage happier, safer and more connected communities. Because life is better when we belong.

Volunteering Australia
Volunteering Australia
Volunteering Australia is the national peak body for volunteering with a vision for strong, connected and resilient communities through volunteering. Volunteering Australia understands the importance of being neighbourly, as research continues to demonstrate the mental health and wellbeing benefits of volunteering including combating social isolation and loneliness.

Playgroup Australia
Playgroup Australia
Playgroup Australia’s vision is creating a village through play – celebrating and connecting all families and caregivers of children from pre-birth to age 5. Together with their member playgroup organisations, Playgroup Australia represents one of Australia’s largest social movements – fostering relationships between over 100,000 playgroup families nationally.

Good for the Hood
Good for the Hood
Good for the Hood empowers everyday people to be advocates for environmental change in their community.
They believe every person can be inspired to create their own piece of good in their hood and help people take that next step to better care for people, place and planet.

Dignity empowers people at risk of or experiencing homelessness to prevent, respond to and end their homelessness.
They provide supported temporary accommodation, longer-term housing, food relief and facilitate multiple programs that strengthen communities.

Play Australia
Play Australia
Play Australia envisions a connected and healthy Australia where PLAY is a part of everyone’s daily life to enhance the health and wellbeing of children/young people and communities. They champion the 1000 Play Streets movement for Australians to reclaim their quiet residential streets as places for neighbours of all ages to connect and play.

Little B.I.G. Foundation
Little B.I.G. Foundation
Little B.I.G. Foundation is on a mission to reduce loneliness, by inspiring communities to become better connected.
Their vision is for a future where people enjoy kinder, happier and healthier lives and they believe it’s the little things
that make a B.I.G. difference.

Touched by Olivia
Touched by Olivia
Touched by Olivia believes everyone is different and this is a good thing. They believe everyone has a purpose and that everyone deserves to be valued. Their mission is to create a more inclusive world. HOW? By BRINGING BACK BELONGING

Kaboose is a community app that connects autistic and neurodivergent individuals based on shared interests. It supports members to find friends, mentors, and job opportunities while creating supportive communities around shared interests. Kaboose promotes belonging and embraces neurodiversity in a welcoming digital space.

Ending Loneliness Together
Ending Loneliness Together
Ending Loneliness Together (ELT) is the national Australian organisation working to raise awareness and reduce the negative effects of loneliness and social isolation in our community through evidence-based interventions and advocacy.

Gather My Crew
Gather My Crew
When life gets tough, community gets you through.
Gather My Crew is an Australian charity and emerging movement that exist to help people to help each other.
They know that human connection, and providing, or receiving, the right help at the right time can make all the difference.

Frasers Property Australia
Frasers Property Australia
For 100 years, Frasers Property Australia has created stronger, smarter, happier neighbourhoods, enhancing the way people live life together. International in scale but local at heart, they understand the human side of property to create communities that leave a positive legacy and diverse places people feel proud to belong to.

21 Gifts
21 Gifts
21 Gifts is a kindness project to rewrite the opening act of a disability diagnosis story. They partner with hundreds of hospitals to provide hope and community at time of a Down syndrome or Cerebral palsy diagnosis, through free “suitcases for a new adventure”, strengths-based diagnosis conversation frameworks and seminars.

Like Family
Like Family
Like Family is a healthtech organisation matching locals in need with locals who care and they’re on a mission to reduce social isolation and loneliness. They help Australians who are ageing, ill, injured or living with a disability to connect with social support in their local area and build long lasting relationships.

Chatty Cafe Australia
Chatty Cafe Australia
Chatty Café Australia helps connect communities and increases social interactions by getting people chatting – either in their favourite local neighbourhood social venues at “Have a Chat” tables or while travelling through other Aussie communities to meet the local folk at “Sip, Chat, Share, Care” venues. Everyone is welcome!

AVID aims to create thriving, connected communities that bring people together. Places where residents can build homes, form lasting friendships, and celebrate important family milestones. Their goal is to foster environments where people can enjoy meaningful relationships and experiences, creating a strong foundation for community life now and in the future.

The Men's Table
The Men's Table
The Men's Table helps men build meaningful male friendships and connection by creating safe places to share, overcoming the stigma that “men don’t talk”. Groups of men meet monthly for dinner to talk, laugh and share what’s going on for them, providing peer support and contributing to mental, emotional and social wellbeing.

Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia
Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA)
Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA) is a national charity dedicated to fostering inclusive communities and enhancing refugee settlement in Australia through community refugee sponsorship. Under their flagship CRISP program, CRSA empowers everyday Australians to provide welcome and support to refugee newcomers from day one of their arrival in Australia.

Australian Men's Shed Association
The Australian Men's Shed Association
‘Connection. Community. Camaraderie.’ Men’s Sheds provide relaxed spaces for men to connect, learn skills, and form friendships through hands-on activities like woodworking and upcycling.
With 1,300 sheds across Australia, they offer a supportive and social environment.
State and Territory

Country Women's Association of Victoria
Country Women's Association of Victoria
Since 1928 the Country Women’s Association of Victoria has worked to improve social conditions in rural and urban areas, particularly supporting women and children. The Country Women’s Association of Victoria is a place for friendship and personal development.

Mentally Healthy WA
Act Belong Commit
Act Belong Commit is a preventative mental health campaign which encourages Australians to prioritise their mental wellbeing and do the things known to protect and enhance their mental health – including staying connected with others.

Police Citizens Youth Clubs
Police Citizens Youth Clubs
Getting young people active in life. Developing skills, character and leadership. Supporting safe and healthy neighbourhoods in NSW. Click here to find the nearest club in your neighbourhood.

Befriend is a Perth-based social enterprise with a vision of an inclusive, connected world. The Befriend Social Network connects people from diverse backgrounds through inclusive social gatherings and events of all shapes and sizes. Click for more info.

Housing Choices Tasmania
Housing Choices Tasmania
Housing Choices Tasmania is a not-for-profit organisation working closely with residents, local business, service providers and the general community to support inclusive communities and thriving neighbourhoods. Click here to find out more.

Chorus Australia
Chorus Australia
Chorus is a for-purpose organisation of more than 1000 employees and volunteers. They work with communities and alongside people to support them to live the life they choose, with a particular focus on elders and people living with disability and mental illness. Ultimately, they exist so local communities can thrive.

COTA Queensland
COTA Queensland
Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland is a not-for-profit organisation advancing the rights, needs and futures of people as they age. COTA helps create a more just, equitable and caring community in which older people are actively involved, with access to appropriate support, services and care.

Nature Play Qld
Nature Play Qld
Nature Play QLD works innovatively and collaboratively to make outdoor free play a normal part every child’s life in Queensland, so that they can develop into resilient, healthy and creative members of the community.

Queensland Families and Communities Association
Queensland Families and Communities Association
The Queensland Families and Communities Association supports local Neighbourhood and Community Centres across the state, to foster social connections, reduce social isolation and conduct local place-based community development.

Victoria State Emergency Service
Victoria State Emergency Service
Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) is a volunteer-based emergency service providing essential emergency assistance to thousands of Victorians every year. To minimise the impact of emergencies when they occur and strengthen the community’s capacity to recover swiftly and safely, VICSES focuses on working with communities and partners in building resilience to achieve more aware, informed and prepared communities.

Whiddon is an award-winning aged care provider who has been caring for older Australians across regional, rural and remote NSW and QLD for more than 70 years. They actively promote and maintain a proud sense of community – wherever they are, everyone matters.

Ability Heroes
Ability Heroes
Ability Heroes creates pathways to connection by documenting accessible and welcoming community spaces across local neighbourhoods. Their mission celebrates inclusion, enabling people of all abilities to confidently explore, participate and belong in their community with dignity and independence.

COTA Western Australia
COTA (WA) is the peak body for seniors in Western Australia. They contribute to national policy and collaborate on projects that benefit or support older Australians. They are working towards an equitable, just and inclusive society in which older people can flourish.

Outdoors Queensland
Outdoors Queensland
Outdoors Queensland is Queensland’s peak body for the outdoors and outdoor activities.
They believe that ‘meaningful connections’ are made by experiences in the outdoors and encourage all Australian’s to enjoy the unique natural wonders at our doorstep and beyond.

Carers WA
Carers WA
Carers WA is the peak body that represents the needs and interests of carers in Western Australia. They work to achieve an improved quality of life for family carers in their state. Services include the provision of specialist information and advice, resources, carer support through counselling, education / training, social support and carer advocacy and representation.

Mental Health Coordinating Council
Mental Health Coordinating Council
Mental Health Coordinating Council is NSW's peak body for community-managed mental health organisations, providing advocacy, sector-leading training, best-practice resources, and events to foster community connections. Their vision is for people living with mental health challenges to have access to quality supports and opportunities to live meaningful lives.
Regional and Local

Lake Macquarie Sustainable Neighbourhood Alliance
Lake Macquarie Sustainable Neighbourhood Alliance
Sustainable Neighbourhood groups work together with neighbours to care for the natural environment, encourage sustainability, and foster resilient and caring communities. The Lake Macquarie Sustainable Neighbourhood Alliance supports over 15 groups in Lake Macquarie, NSW.

City of Albany
City of Albany
The City of Albany (WA) encourages everyone to get to know their neighbours so they feel safe and connected to their communities. Click here to find out how you can be involved this Neighbour Day.

Brimbank City Council
Brimbank City Council
Brimbank City Council supports Neighbour Day as it helps us create a welcoming community where everyone feels safe, connected and there’s strong relationships between neighbours. Click to find out more.

City of Monash
City of Monash
Monash is a culturally diverse community in Melbourne’s south-east suburbs, a place that welcomes people of different faiths, traditions and cultures. The Council plays a role in bringing people together .

Shellharbour City Council
Shellharbour City Council
Shellharbour City Council celebrates good neighbours and good relationships to promote and encourage social connection within local communities. Annually they host Good Neighbour Awards and events where residents are encouraged to recognise and celebrate their neighbours within Shellharbour City.

City of Cockburn
City of Cockburn
The City of Cockburn (WA) creates opportunities for the Cockburn community to get to know their neighbours and build strong, vibrant and connected communities. They Celebrate Cockburn and Neighbour Day each year in creative ways and encourage residents to identify what they love about their city.

Lane Cove Council
Lane Cove Council
Lane Cove Council wants neighbours to love where they live so they’ve created resources and events to celebrate the ‘village feel’ that makes Lane Cove a great place to live, work and play. Feel free to drop by and take a look at what they’re up to…

City of South Perth
City of South Perth
The City of South Perth encourages community development through the Streets Alive program – supporting residents to host street gatherings with their neighbours. Streets Alive is about growing community spirit and social inclusion, one street at a time. Get involved.

City of Kwinana
City of Kwinana
The City of Kwinana encourages its community to celebrate their neighbourhoods through their Annual Neighbour Day Funding and Community Event Fund. They work closely with those who live, work and recreate within Kwinana to foster welcoming neighbourhoods that create a sense of community pride and belonging.

Tweed Shire Council
Tweed Shire Council
Tweed Shire Council looks after people and places. They aim to make a difference so that the Tweed community is even better tomorrow than it is today.

City of Subiaco
City of Subiaco
The City of Subiaco is a unique and welcoming destination that celebrates its rich history, while embracing diversity and vitality in our future.
The city is passionate about making stronger and more resilient community and does this through a variety of community programs.

Haven; Home, Safe
Haven Home Safe
In a world where homelessness and housing crisis exist, Haven; Home, Safe connect people with housing options and integrated supports so that they can find and keep a place to call home.

OneAnother is creating the Good Human Economy fuelled by a Karma Currency to connect communities.
It is a kindness marketplace connecting people who want to help other humans and charities that need help.
They enable frequent acts of kindness to reduce loneliness.

Liverpool City Council
Liverpool City Council
One of the most diverse cities in Australia, Liverpool is home to residents of different cultures, histories and experiences.
Liverpool City Council celebrates the City’s rich Aboriginal heritage; and encourages all community members to know, understand and respect their fellow residents.

Key Into Australia
Key Into Australia
Not feeling at home yet? Join us at Key Into Australia, a network of multicultural women. They are a supportive community that helps create friendships, find work and navigate the ups and downs of settling in a new neighbourhood.

City of Wanneroo
City of Wanneroo
The City of Wanneroo is a vibrant, welcoming place to live, work and visit. It is home to a diverse multi-cultural community which is passionate about fostering neighbourhood connections and building better relationships between people.

Hamilton Community House
Hamilton Community House
Hamilton Community House provides a broad range of information and activities to support people in the Southern Grampians Shire. Neighbourhood houses are not-for-profit centres which provide social, educational and recreational activities for their communities in a welcoming supportive environment.

City of Armadale
City of Armadale
The City of Armadale is a place of natural beauty, rich in heritage and respectful of culture, with diverse landscapes and lifestyles. The City is committed to working with residents and local community groups in fostering connection and community pride.

WardellCORE is a community owned charity offering support, resources and positive vibes to the Wardell and surrounding district. Our vision is to help navigate disaster recovery, build community and create support networks that will better prepare us for the future.

Central Coast Council
Central Coast Council
Central Coast Council fosters a cohesive community, promoting connection and belonging through diverse programs. Together, they build community capacity, creating local solutions and initiatives. They prioritise inclusion, ensuring all feel welcome and engaged. Collaboratively addressing social and health challenges, they enhance community safety and wellbeing in neighbourhoods and public spaces.

Dementia Inclusive Ballina
Dementia Inclusive Ballina
Dementia Inclusive Ballina focuses on ensuring the highest quality, evidence-based information is applied to support the dementia community. They actively engage with the broader dementia community to contribute to the body of knowledge that benefits people living with dementia and their carers.

City of Casey
City of Casey
City of Casey’s purpose is to lead with passion and courage to enrich lives and empower their community. Their Long-Term Community Vision 2031 defines community aspirations for the future of the City, which is to become a more connected, bold, and resilient community.

Thrive Australia
Thrive Australia
Thrive Australia enriches community bonds through cultural events and projects, celebrating diversity and fostering connections between locals and migrants. Their initiatives create inclusive environments where every individual feels valued and connected. Join their mission to build a unified Australian society.

City of Logan
City of Logan
Healthy, inclusive and connected communities are at the heart of the city. Logan City Council provides social infrastructure that meets the needs of the community and is accessible. They encourage residents and visitors to explore and enjoy what the city has to offer and support locals to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Find out more.

The Neighbourhood Circles Project, Community Living Project Inc.
The Neighbourhood Circles Project, Community Living Project Inc
The Neighbourhood Circles Project by Community Living Project Inc. aims to enhance awareness of neighbourhoods as inclusive and safe spaces. Their mission is to improve accessibility for individuals who identify as living with disabilities or mental illness, fostering a more inclusive and connected community.

Goonawarra Neighbourhood House
Goonawarra Neighbourhood House
Goonawarra Neighbourhood House is a community-driven organisation empowering individuals through inclusive services. They foster social connections, mental wellbeing, and personal growth by supporting diverse community needs and valuing each person's unique potential. They also host a Sunbury Neighbour Day!

Pasadena and St Marys Action Group
Pasadena and St Marys Action Group
The Pasadena and St Marys Action Group is a grassroots collective of neighbours who volunteer together to build community through social events and activities focussing on the local natural urban environment. Their activities foster friendships and a kinder, connected community.

The Little Library on Lloyd Street
The Little Library on Lloyd Street
The Little Library on Lloyd Street fosters community connection through reading, local events, art and a growing verge and veggie patch. Neighbours swap books and sometimes small toys, other trinkets or plants to create a vibrant space for everyone.