What is Relationships Australia?
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship and community support and family safety services for families in Australia.
What does Relationships Australia do?
Relationships Australia works in a variety of ways to support respectful relationships across Australia. We provide services and supports to all people, to enable sustainable respectful relationships. Broadly, Relationships Australia advocates and promotes the importance of respectful relationships with respect to positive individual mental health outcomes and general community outcomes. Our research is relevant and purposeful, and further enables us to provide our ongoing trusted services and supports.
What is Neighbours Every Day?
Neighbours Every Day is Relationships Australia’s social connection campaign; a leading Australian campaign promoting the benefits of social connection and building capacity for all to make and maintain respectful relationships.
Neighbours Every Day is the next evolution of the popular Neighbour Day campaign, which has operated in Australia for over twenty years, promoting the benefits of well-connected and resilient communities.
Neighbours Every Day is about empowering everyone in Australia to build respectful and supportive relationships with their community.
What is Neighbour Day?
Neighbour Day is the call-to-action focal point for the Neighbours Every Day campaign. This day of action takes place on the last Sunday in March each year. Having connected communities for more than 20 years, Neighbour Day is Australia’s annual celebration of community, encouraging people to connect and provides a focal point for celebrating everything we can achieve by living the Neighbours Every Day vision.
When was Neighbour Day founded?
Neighbour Day was founded in Melbourne, Australia in March 2003 by local resident, Andrew Heslop, after the remains of an elderly woman, Mrs Elsie Brown, were found inside her suburban home.
Why did Relationships Australia choose to support Neighbour Day?
Relationships Australia became the home of Neighbour Day in 2014 when it was gifted to us by Mr Heslop, in the hope that the event could reach a greater number of people and make an impact on growing social connection for all.
Relationships Australia, committed to the promotion of respectful and enduring relationships, saw Neighbour Day as an ongoing opportunity to remind people about the importance of community connection. Relationships Australia recognises the unique role our neighbourly and community relationships play in addressing mental ill-health and loneliness. Reducing social isolation and loneliness and creating stronger communities leads to more resilient, happier, and healthier individuals and families.
Neighbours Every Day and its annual day of action, Neighbour Day, supports Relationships Australia’s goals of enabling everyone in Australia to achieve positive, respectful, and sustainable relationships.
Why should I get involved?
Neighbour Day has been independently evaluated since 2018.
Creating belonging by building and maintaining respectful relationships can change communities and has a positive effect on people’s wellbeing. Well-connected neighbourhoods are better equipped to respond to and recover from emergencies and natural disasters.
A sense of belonging and connectedness can come from a large range of shared interests and activities, mutual support and genuine interest for others. The benefits of belonging extend beyond just to those who feel newly included. Having diverse relationships improves everyone’s relationship satisfaction, mental health and wellbeing.
Good relationships with others can and do change peoples’ lives and the community they live in. Neighbours Every Day brings together people, resources, and organisations to grow stronger, well-connected communities. It is something in which everyone can become involved.
How can I get involved?
All information on how you can be involved in Neighbours Every Day and the Day of Action, Neighbour Day, is on our website.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, !
- For some neighbourly inspiration, check out our stories, free resources, tips and ideasto help you get you started.
- Do something neighbourly to create and share Perhaps a small gesture or something bigger – the choice is yours!
- Join the neighbourly conversation. Grab a selfie sign, take pic of yourself (and maybe some neighbours or friends) and Create Belonging | Share Belonging on your social media. [selfie-signs free to download from the website]
If you are interested in holding an event, we encourage you to register your event or neighbourly action. You can now register your community events on the website. We will promote events year-round as well as for the day of action, Neighbour Day.
What is a neighbourly action?
Many people like to celebrate Neighbour Day by ‘doing’ a neighbourly action, rather than hosting an event. A neighbourly action can be as simple as dropping off a connection card to a neighbour with your contact details or some flowers from your garden or some fresh baked goods. Or perhaps doing a favour such as helping your neighbour tidy their garage or garden. Or it could be an offer to do a neighbour’s shopping. An intentional act of kindness – small or big, can make a big difference, and make your neighbours feel supported and connected. Whether on Neighbour Day, or any other day of the year. Neighbours Every Day create and share belonging!
Who are the Neighbour Day Ambassadors?
Our NED Ambassadors include DJ Cooper Smith, Ruby Susan Mountford, Jahin Tanvir, Mariam Mohammed, Daniel and Luke Mancuso, Mandy Hose, Kate Jones, Natalie Ahmat, The Hon Fred Chaney AO, Costa Georgiadis, Julie Goodwin, Hugh Mackay AO, Mitch McPherson and Sophie Thomson.
Can I book a NED Ambassador to attend my event?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer Ambassador attendance at events, given the many hundreds of Neighbours Every Day and Neighbour Day celebrations that are held each year.
Are Ambassadors available for media interviews?
Media interviews with our NED Ambassadors can be organised, depending on their availability. Contact our office for details.
Do you have resources that I can use for my Neighbours Every Day or Neighbour Day, day of action event or action?
The Neighbour Every Day website has a range of free, easy to use resources available to help make your event or action a success – every day of the year. Help yourself!
Do I have to celebrate on the last Sunday in March?
Every day is Neighbour Day. Hence the shift in the campaign to Neighbours Every Day. If you can’t celebrate on the last Sunday in March, choose another day that suits you and your neighbourly plans.
Where can I purchase Neighbour Day merchandise?
At this stage, Neighbour Day merchandise is not available for sale to the general public. Bulk orders of Neighbour Day tea towels may be possible with adequate notice. Contact us.
Can I use the Neighbours Every Day logo and brand?
Free Neighbours Every Day and Neighbour Day branded resources are available on the Neighbour Day website. A small selection of co-brandable resources is available for download for the use of Councils and Community organisations. You can find more information on brand use guidelines here.
Will Relationships Australia cover my event for public liability?
Any risks associated with the conduct of Neighbours Every Day and / or Neighbour Day events are the responsibility of the host, individuals, organisations and their neighbourhoods and communities. The wellbeing of participants should be considered in the event planning. Your local council may be able to assist with planning for larger events.
Our website has some useful tips to help you ensure the safety of your Neighbour Day event.
What can I do to support my neighbourhood or wider community?
Our website has a list of organisations that you might like to connect with to support your local community as well as some resources to help you do that e.g. tips, neighbourly blogs and information related to mental health, loneliness, social connection, etc.
What if I need support in my neighbourhood?
Our website has a list of community support organisations and resources that can be accessed online, at the end of a phone, or in your neighbourhood.
Why is social connection so important to my health and wellbeing?
Social connection makes us feel better as it helps prevent loneliness, isolation, and depression. Our website has research on the benefits of social connection to our overall wellbeing.
Who funds Neighbours Every Day?
Relationships Australia funds the Neighbours Every Day campaign at the national level.
Councils, businesses, government departments, community organisations and individuals promote and support Neighbours Every Day in their communities and neighbourhoods.
Is there grant funding available to support my council, community organisation or group, or me as a host, to get involved?
Unfortunately, Relationships Australia does not have funding available for grants. Some state or territory governments offer community grants, and some local councils offer small grants or other incentives to hosts to join in and celebrate their neighbours. Other councils provide resources e.g., sporting equipment, merchandise, entertainment, coffee carts etc. Some local businesses provide cash or in-kind support for community events.
There may be some options for assistance which you can explore in your local area. Check out our extended answer to this question here.
How do I become a supporter of Neighbours Every Day?
We work with like-minded organisations and businesses across Australia to help spread the neighbourly ethos to every day of the year. We are open to discuss sponsorship opportunities (financial, pro bono or in-kind support) to help create and share belonging in Australia. Please contact us!