RDCOTA’s Compassionate Communities – Victoria Point and Coochiemudlo Island Project

From: 08/03/2022 6:00 pm To: 08/03/2022 8:00 pm
Free online forum: What is a Compassionate Community? And forum to discuss how we can have a whole-of-community approach to supporting persons living with a life-limiting condition, particularly at the end of life; their long-term carers & the bereaved: focusing on Victoria Point and Coochiemudlo Island communities

RDCOTA (Redland District Committee on the Ageing) was successful in getting a Community Grant from Redlands City Council (Oct 2021-Oct 2022) supporting the Victoria Point and Coochiemudlo Island Compassionate Communities Pilot Project. We have some free community Forums on the 18/2/22 10-12md and 8 March 2022 6-8pm; and then other future forums (in-person or zoom) to be scheduled which will continue the engagement of our community in this space. Target audience: With a particular focus on those residing or working in the Victoria Point and Coochiemudlo Island communities, we welcome participation from persons living with a life-limiting condition, including but not limited to those persons at the end of life (living in their own home in the community and/or retirement/residential aged care facility); their carers / support persons; persons who are bereaved. The forums can include these persons and also health professionals and others interested or working in supporting persons at the end of life; business and workplaces, schools and faith-based, cultural groups and other organisations

Online free Zoom forum – informative and interactive.

Organised by

RDCOTA (Redlands District Committee on the Ageing)
Contact: Jacqui Williams
Phone: 0402 496 360
Email: jacqui@endoflifetransitions.com.au